Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 16 Post Surgery

Monday was my 2 week post-op check up with the surgeon. I had my half cast and stitches removed. Now I have a tensor bandage and an air cast. The air cast is mostly just for protection, I don't have it inflated. Some days are better than others for pain. Monday was bad as I went to work after my appointment and by the end of the day it was aching. Mostly because the stitches were removed and the foot manipulated a little. So far the rest of the week hasn't been too bad, although it is usually aching a little by the end of the day. I may be overdoing it a little but I really hate the crutches. I'm hoping to post a picture soon, but right now it looks much worse than it actually is. There is still a line of marker or something where the incision is making it look much larger and more ragged than it actually is. The incision itself is about 2 inches long and 1-2mm wide. There are stitch marks on either side. I am counting down the days until my 6 week post-op appointment where I will get x-rays and hopefully be able to walk out instead of hobble!


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