Sunday, April 29, 2012


This Bunday we have our first guest! This is the adorable Snowy aka Booboo. Thanks Julie for sending in pics!

If you would like to see your bunny or kitty featured email me at!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Day 25 Post Surgery

So it has been 25 days, I think it is healing up well. You can still see a bit of the marks from the surgery but I thought the pictures weren't too bad now, you can see the incision pretty clearly. I've had some pain this week, again I think I might just be spending too much time on my heel. I noticed a little more swelling than usual on Friday, in the third picture you can see my foot is swollen. I am taking it easy today and hoping the swelling will come down. I'm not sure if I just never noticed it before, but I so think it was a little worse yesterday which caused me to see it. I generally wear a tensor bandage around it during the day and I wonder if it was a little too tight on Friday. My ankle was quite swollen when I got home from work. I hope it isn't anything to be concerned about. Just two more weeks until I can start putting full weight on it (I hope!).


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tuna Tuesday!

For this Tuna Tuesday we have Mr. Twinkie. He is a neutered male up for adoption at the Alliston and District Humane Society. Isn't he cute!


Sunday, April 22, 2012


Hoppy Bunday!

Peanut is enjoying some fresh parsley from my co-workers garden. These were taken not too long before she passed away.

If you would like to see your bunnies or kitties on Bunday or Tuna Tuesday send a picture to


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Day 16 Post Surgery

Monday was my 2 week post-op check up with the surgeon. I had my half cast and stitches removed. Now I have a tensor bandage and an air cast. The air cast is mostly just for protection, I don't have it inflated. Some days are better than others for pain. Monday was bad as I went to work after my appointment and by the end of the day it was aching. Mostly because the stitches were removed and the foot manipulated a little. So far the rest of the week hasn't been too bad, although it is usually aching a little by the end of the day. I may be overdoing it a little but I really hate the crutches. I'm hoping to post a picture soon, but right now it looks much worse than it actually is. There is still a line of marker or something where the incision is making it look much larger and more ragged than it actually is. The incision itself is about 2 inches long and 1-2mm wide. There are stitch marks on either side. I am counting down the days until my 6 week post-op appointment where I will get x-rays and hopefully be able to walk out instead of hobble!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuna Tuesday!

So this is what I saw when I went to bed. What sweet little bedwarmers they are! I hated having to move them to get into bed lol


Sunday, April 15, 2012


For my first Bunday, I have an adoptable from Rabbit Rescue. Below the picture is her bio from The picture is by Studio Lapin.

Hello! My name is Betty and I am a pretty, sassy, lionhead bunny! From the tip of my toes to the twinkle in my eye I am a sweet and happy little girl. I was rescued by RR and given a second chance at a happy life. And boy am I happy! When I see my foster mom, I zoom around and I love to binky to show my joy! I just can’t contain it. I play all day long with my toys, my favourites are my cardboard boxes which I love to decorate by retexturizing and shredding up. Also I love to toss around my jingle-ball and my wooden toys, and even sometimes my food dish! Oh, and food, I am a very good bunny and I always eat up my veggies and my hay. Of course I enjoy the occasional treat too and I will toss my head and pose for you if you are offering! My foster mom says I’m just about the best bunny, because I always use my litter box and I like to be snuggled (with my 4 feet on the ground!) I especially like my face rubbed and I will stretch out and take a break from playing to enjoy cheek-rubs. I am so happy, the only thing that I wish for is a home of my own where I can have space to play in a safe environment and someone to love. Maybe it’s you, come on, I know I’m irresistible! Betty came to us when she ran out of time at the shelter. Her start in life was not good. She was badly neglected and very timid. Now with the love she deserves she has flourished into a very special little lady that loves to play and spend time with people. She has wonderful litter habits and would do well in a home with lots of time to spend with her.

Thanks for reading!


Friday, April 13, 2012

Bunionette Surgery

Sorry for the delay in posting, between being busy and losing 2 bunnies I just haven't felt up to it. But since I have to take it easy for awhile I thought I'd get back into it.

So, I won't be running for awhile! Over the last year or so a small lump on my left foot beside my little toe (bunionette) has started to bother me. It was getting more and more annoying so I decided to book the surgery. I had the same surgery on my right foot 12 years ago and it went really well. This is a picture of my foot about a week after surgery. I had the surgery on the 3rd of April. The dressing is a half cast on the left side of my foot to protect the surgery site.

I should be getting it removed on Monday when I see the surgeon. A week and a half in it doesn't feel too bad. I'm allowed to put weight on my heel so I hobble around. I didn't put any weight at all on it for the first several days as it was quite sore and I wanted to let it heal as much as possible. I'll document my recovery on here for anyone who may need this surgery in the future. Yesterday was the first day I spent most of the day upright and I could feel that it swelled a little. Hopefully it won't be too bad when I go back to work on Monday.

Everyone here has been taking great care of me. In this picture Sapphire is doing a great job at keeping my legs warm.

I've decided to make some regular segments on this blog. Bunny Sunday or "Bunday" will be bunny pictures and Tuna Tuesday for cat pictures! They will be my own usually but I will also share adoptables from Rabbit Rescue and the Alliston and District Humane Society.

Thanks for reading!